Here are some things I am currently working on, but also some potential ideas I have!
Addressing the Climate Crisis through Head, Heart, & Hands: Exploring Natural Farming Solutions - Summer Research Project
Hawden Arboretum Work & REC Community Garden Clean Up

Clark Environmental Action Club - Clark University
A club I worked to get started focused on implementing and protecting sustainability at Clark and also addressing other environmental and climate change areas. CEA works with other student organizations, faculty, and the community to promote sustainability as well as environmental initiatives via projects, information, supplies, and funding.
Another goal of the club is to engage people in discussion, learning opportunities, activities, and initiatives.

The SynEarth Project
(syn = for in Latin -> for earth)
*this is a loose idea for a project that I am hoping to explore and further develop
The what:
The goal is to create community, connection, and collective action that enables people to do good, be of service, and help others and the environment. By coming together, creating networks, and unifying across all different backgrounds and disciplines, we can deeply listen to ourselves, one another, and the planet to step forward in a way that is in support of a new and better future. Through connecting and forming relationships we can then educate, provide resources, share information, find purpose, empower people to be more involved, and invite transformative action. Not only is it important that we connect more deeply with one another, but it is also important that we connect more with nature. Most of all, the objective is to bring people together to do good things, be ambassadors for change, and revolutionaries for a positive and mindful future.
My ideas behind & thoughts behind this:
This is still very much in the developing phase, but I constantly find myself coming back to the idea of creating a community, group, or organization that focuses on coming together and doing good things. While this might sound vague I think simplicity is really important. And just because something seems simple, does not mean it is wrong or too easy.
The truth is I can not see a future where we are able to survive if we do not come together and connect. Science and information remain extremely important and definitely need to be shared more accessibly and understandably with others, but how can we hope to better take care of the planet and the environment if we have such a hard time taking care of ourselves?
In response to the current epidemic of purposelessness, overwhelm, anxiety, anger, and confusion, by taking a step back and pausing I think it is possible to imagine a better future. Although climate change, global issues, and the infinite suffering that is currently present make it hard to envision a better future, I do still think we have the capacity to change things. With collective action, deep understanding, and a paradigm shift I think things can be better.
One thing that has jumped out at me from the start of my dive into climate change and environmental issues, is how deeply intertwined and connected everything is. I think that is time we stop acting in isolation. What I mean is that I don't think we can leave addressing climate change just up to the climate scientists. We as individuals, no matter how insignificant we might feel, have the ability to bring about profound change. Positive change. When we really stop and take a moment to reflect and look at things, it is incredibly easy to instantly feel overwhelmed or like everything is too bad to do anything about. In order to avoid immobilization, I want to help, accept, empower, and encourage others.
Compassion, peace, acceptance, mindfulness, and deep listening are things that are important to me. And I want to bring these into the things that I do. I also think connecting more with nature and getting more involved in that way is really important as well. Maybe I am dreaming too big, or not being realistic, but I think it might be time to not get stuck on the what ifs or fears, but start taking collective and affirmative action that can help not just environmental suffering, but the suffering that exists all around the globe. I think we have the capability to bring about change. And I want to work with others, elevate others, learn from others, listen to others, help others, be of service, and be the action and change I wish to see in the world.
So, my hope is to create a network, group, community, organization, collective, or whatever you want to call it, that unifies us to do good. Plain and simple. To do good. And this can be in all different forms. I originally thought about this simply in the terms of science and providing education and understanding, but everything is so connected. I feel like by doing good in one way, we can do good in countless other ways as well.